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CLICK the donate button TO PlAY in our fundraiser specatular!

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CLICK this donate button IF YOU JUST WANT TO DONATe but not play this year

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Thank you for coming to check out our new fundraiser!  Click the links below to pay your entrance fee or to just donate to show your support and skip the fun this year.  Either way we greatly appreciate your donations!   


Scroll past the donation links below to see how the game works!

Thank you for coming to support our scholarship foundation!  We encourage you to play our new and exciting game for 2020.  It's really very simple.  You will receive a few texts over the holiday weekend and you get points the faster you reply.  You can always trust us to make things fun and easy, but if you are like James and need all the rules laid out, please find them below.  For those of you more like Cory, click the entrance fee button above and have a great time!  All fees and donations are 100% tax deductible.  BE A CORY - DON'T BE A JAMES and Good luck!!!


In order to continue our fundraising efforts this year, we have come up with a replacement game for all of our degenerate gamblers and loyal supporters. We will be hosting a 2020 Fundraiser Spectacular over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. This is a new game of our design played with only a few text messages.  The entrance fee will be $25 per person; 30% going to pay out the winners, and the other 70% going towards our annual scholarship for a Redlands area high school graduating senior. Which means that the more participants we get, the higher the payout.


The rules of the tournament are listed below. Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Otherwise, please visit to donate your entrance fee. Please remember to include your cell phone number when you donate. If you do not want to sign up online, please reach out to us directly to set up a check or cash payment.


Text Tournament Rules:


- All participants will receive 2 texts on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the Thanksgiving Weekend.


- One text in the morning no later than 10am, and one text in the afternoon no later than 3pm.


- Each text will be in the form of either a simple task or a trivia question. Participants are allowed to use any source to gather the information or complete the task, including the internet.


- Participants will have up to 2 hours to send in their response text. If a participant fails to complete the task correctly, answers the question incorrectly, or does not send a response text within the 2-hour time frame, then that participant will receive zero points.


- Participants will earn points based on the order in which we receive their correct response text. For example, if we have a total of 50 participants and you are the 1st correct response then you will receive 50 points. If you are the 10th correct response then you will receive 40 points. If you are the 50th correct response, then you will receive only one point.


- Participants do not have to answer every text in order to keep playing. There are no eliminations in this tournament, simply an accumulation of points throughout the weekend.


- On Sunday we will tally the points and award the top 3 winners with their cash prize. The amount of the cash prize will be dependent upon how many participants donate and play.


Example: We may send a text that says, "Please send us a 'Nick' picture". You could then send us back a picture of Nick Carter, a picture of Nick Nolte, or a picture of yourself if your name is Nick Malone. We encourage creativity and humor solely for our own entertainment purposes as it will not garner you any additional points.


Thank you again for all of your support and understanding. We sincerely hope every one of you stay safe this holiday season. We miss you all and cannot wait to see you in person next year!

Thank You To Our Sponsor
Gourmet Pizza Shoppe
Best Pizza you will ever find!
(Click on the image to visit their website)
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